
内森Schwadron sits in a room full of computer equipment and smiles at the camera.

联合国大学教员 内森Schwadron 已被选为 美国地球物理联合会(AGU) 2022届院士 — a prestigious international award that honors exceptional scientific contributions to Earth and 空间科学s.

Schwadron, 研究太阳的物理学家, 空间天气, 星际边界, 宇宙射线和辐射, is among the 54 international scientists who are recognized by AGU for work that has significantly advanced research in their fields. 每年都少于0人.1%的AGU成员被授予终身奖学金. Schwadron joins seven other 联合国大学教员s who have received this award since 2016.

“We are thrilled that Nathan has been selected as an AGU Fellow in recognition of his remarkable contributions to the field of 空间科学,玛丽安·麦考德说, 负责研究的高级副教务长, 联合国大学的经济参与和外联. 除了他杰出的研究和学识, 内森是一位敬业的老师和导师, 也是一个很好的社区成员,他以各种方式回馈社会. 我们很幸运能请到内森.”

"的 work we do as a team enables us to take leaps forward in science that no one person alone could accomplish."

Schwadron一直是 联合国大学物理系空间科学中心 自2010年以来. 哈伦斯宾塞, 他是联合国大学地球研究所所长, 海洋, 和空间, 赞扬Schwadron多年来对他的领域的奉献. “我和内森合作过很多项目, 我可以证明他的卓越研究和惊人的生产力,斯宾塞说. “This AGU honor affirms what I’ve witnessed for a long while: his relentless pursuit of discovery in space plasma physics is matched only by his unbounded energy and intellectual might.”

除了他最近当选为AGU研究员, Schwadron was previously awarded a 主要研究 Presidential Chair from 2018 to present and was named the Norman S. and Anna Marie Waite Professor for the Physics Department from 2017 to present. Alongside his passion for teaching and mentoring undergraduates and graduate students, Schwadron has a long research record in the area of heliophysics — the study of the sun 和 solar wind’s interactions to form intertallar boundaries around our solar system and 空间天气. 他领导了包括太阳风在内的无数研究项目, 全球日球层, 粒子的加速和传播, and studies of the interaction of radiation with materials and biological matter.

Schwadron currently leads two science operations centers for NASA missions: 的 星际边界探测任务 科学运营中心, 自2007年以来一直存在的, 和 Parker Solar Probe Plus Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun Science Center, 从2011年开始. He’s serving numerous roles on NASA’s Interstellar Mapping and Accretion Probe (IMAP) Mission, 包括副首席调查员, 联合国大学的机构领导, 这是引线 IMAP-Lo仪器.

His work also focuses on the impact of radiation on astronauts and technology in space. Schwadron helped to develop innovative methods for dosimetry — the measurement of the amount of radiation absorbed by a substance or living organism — and a detector that laid the foundation for a new generation of lightweight detectors sensitive to the full spectrum of particle radiation. 与此相关,他领导 地球-月球-火星辐射环境模块, a computer modeling project that will help scientists to improve their predictions of radiation exposure to more adequately plan for future space missions to the moon and Mars that may involve humans. 除了, Schwadron是太阳变冰项目的联合负责人, 由国家科学基金会资助, that studied particle acceleration and radiation interactions from extreme solar events 和ir effects on the Earth.

在他漫长的职业成就列表中, 施瓦德隆很快指出了他一路走来得到的支持.

“My research work is done with remarkable teams of scientists and engineers here at 主要研究 and at partner institutions in the U.S. 乃至全世界,”施瓦德隆指出. “的 work we do as a team enables us to take leaps forward in science that no one person alone could accomplish. 我要感谢我的亲密同事Dave McComas, 哈兰·斯宾塞,索尼娅·史密斯,还有我的妻子凯瑟琳·杜德斯塔特, 是谁在过去几十年里提供了不可估量的支持.” 

的 联合国大学地球、海洋和空间研究所(EOS) 是联合国大学最大的研究企业, 由六个以跨学科为重点的中心组成, 对地球和气候系统的高影响力研究, 空间科学, 海洋环境, 海底测绘和环境声学. With approximately 100 principal investigators managing more than 400 individual grant awards, 每年的开支超过4500万美元, EOS fosters an intellectual and scientific environment that advances visionary scholarship and leadership in world-class and graduate education.